
CV (English)

Last updated: 2023. 12. 13.


Hyunseung Jeon (전현승, 田賢承)
Software Engineer interested in Web Frontend.
Enjoying Algorithm Problem Solving.
2000. 06. 22.
Goyang-si, South Korea

Work Experiences

2022.05 ~ Channel Corp. Frontend Engineer
2021.08 ~ 2022.04 Doodlin Corp. Frontend Engineer
Project: "Greeting — Easy and Convenient HR Solution"
Worked on SPA development using React and TypeScript.
Performed GraphQL communication, server state management, client state management using Apollo Client, and tried to make the most of the optimization methods provided by the library, such as Query Batching and Caching.
Made better use of TypeScript by actively using Utility Types including ReturnType, trying to apply various type systems such as Opaque Types (away from the structured type system).
Actively used semantic tags, tabindex attraibute, etc. to improve web accessibility, and tried to apply conventions to in-house code.
Became proficient in quick work communication using Jira and Slack, and tried to adapt to the rapidly changing startup culture.
Solved countless “technologically challenging” problems, while significantly improving usability of application.
Project: "Greeting Career"
Initialized Next.js-based new project, while the legacy project had created with create-react-app.
Wrote SSG + ISR compatible website.
Actively contributed to the initial setup of the project, such as setting directory structure and bundling, specifying style libraries and conventions, automating ESLint when commit using husky, and setting CircleCI automatic build and deployment based on the branch strategy.
Project: "Doodlin Design System"
Actively contributed to the maintenance of the in-house design system which is using Sass.
Restructured stories and wrote stronger UI tests in Storybook, so that tests can cover various situations, including edge cases.
Experienced and solved various errors that occur in the process of bundling a project using Rollup and deploying it to npm.
2021.03 ~ 2021.07 Presence Asia Ltd. Frontend Engineer
Project: "Presence — Drop-in live & async voice collaboration for remote teams"
Worked on real-time collaborative desktop application development using Electron, React, TypeScript and WebRTC (Agora SDK).
Normalized and managed complex state of application using Redux.
Handled asynchronous API operations requiring real-time using Redux-Saga and its Event Channel.
Bundled entire project using Webpack, and optimized/troubleshot bundling process by directly modifying webpack.config.js as needed.
Functional unit testing with Jest and UI component testing with Storybook were conducted before production deployment.
Managed project repository as a monorepo using Lerna.
2020.12 ~ 2021.02 EJN Corp. Data Team (Internship)
Project: "Illegal Twitch Streamer Detection using Machine Learning"
Set up the PySpark (AWS EMR) environment myself, and performed data preprocessing, EDA, and plotting of raw data sets.
Set up the AWS SageMaker environment myself, and performed the machine learning process with PyCaret and XGBoost.
Learned various concepts and techniques used in the whole process of machine learning, such as Normalization, Oversampling/Undersampling, and Feature Vectorization.
2018.09 ~ 2018.11 Pillow Studio Corp. Fullstack Engineer
Project: A (Private)
Built application which converts Microsoft Excel format data into `SQLite` database, using openpyxl. Admin page was served using Flask.
Managed Python packages and virtual environments with venv.
Project: B (Private)
Implemented web-based bulletin board with JSP and MySQL without using framework.
Added previous/next posts feature by directly implementing the doubly linked list data structure with Java. Additional features such as pagination were also directly implemented.

Honors and Awards

2021.10 3th Daegu Big Data Analysis Contest — Public
Honorable Mention · Team "스크류 드라이버" · Daegu Digital Industry Promotion Agency
2021.10 ICPC World Finals Moscow (44th Annual World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest)
77th Place · Honorable Mention · Team "Catdriip"
2021.05 2021 Daegyeong Region Collegiate Programming Contest
1st Place · Software Education Center, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2021.03 ‘빅데이터 융합’ 아이디어 및 논문 경진대회 (2020)
1st Place · Dept. of Data Convergence Computing, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2021.01 제1회 NH투자증권 빅데이터 경진대회 "데이터, 문화가 되다" — League 1. 알고리즘 개발 "AI야, 진짜 뉴스를 찾아줘!"
본선 진출 · NH Investment & Securities
2020.11 2020 Daegyeong Region Collegiate AI Programming Contest
2nd Place (President's Award) · Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2020.11 2020 ACM-ICPC Asia-Seoul Regional
51st (ICPC 32nd) · Honorable Mention · Team "3mipil" · Ministry of Science and ICT
2020.07 Non-curriculum Program Idea Contest
3rd Place · Software Education Center, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2020.05 ~ 2020.12 Software Maestro 11th
Ministry of Science and ICT
2020.05 ~ 2022.04 Research Officers for National Defence 6th Cadet (Voluntary abandonment)
Ministry of Science and ICT
2020.06 2020 Daegyeong Region Collegiate Programming Contest
3rd Place · Software Education Center, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2019.11 2019 Daegyeong Region Collegiate Programming Contest
2nd Place · Software Education Center, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2019.11 2019 ACM-ICPC Asia-Seoul Regional
19th (ICPC 11st) · Samsung SDS Special Award · Team "Catdriip" · Ministry of Science and ICT
2019.09 ~ 2020.09 "코드 읽어주는 사람들" SW Experts
Daegu Center for Creative Economy & Innovation
2019.08 2019 Open Infra Development Competition
Bronze Award · Team "메아리" · manTech Inc.
2019.08 Korea Edutech Maker & SW Challenge 2019
본선 진출 · Ministry of Education
2019.05 2019 Daegyeong Region Collegiate Programming Contest
2nd Place · Software Education Center, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2018.11 2018 ACM-ICPC Asia-Seoul Regional
34th (ICPC 20th) · NAVER Special Award · Team "1gunpil2mipil" · Ministry of Science and ICT


Only academic/honorable scholarships are listed. Scholarships such as National Grant Type are excluded.
2020.10 2020 School of CSE 'Dream and Design' Scholarship
School of CSE, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2020.05 The 7th KNU Honors Scholarship
2020 ~ 2022 The National Scholarship for Science and Engineering
Korea Student Aid Foundation
Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019 Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Kyungpook National University
Spring 2018 Scholarship for Excellent Admission
Kyungpook National University

Projects & Activities

2020.05 ~ 2020.12 Project: "Excalibur: 비대면 강의 수강생-강의자 도우미 플랫폼" SW Maestro
Worked as AI Engineer.
Implemented Drowsiness Detection module using OpenCV.
Implemented Keyword Extraction using TextRank.
2020.05 ~ 2020.10 Research Project: "감시·정찰을 위한 딥러닝 기반 표적 인식 알고리즘 연구" Research Officers for National Defense
Learned Basics of Computer Vision and Deep Networks for Classification and Object Detection.
Implemented SSD, Retinex, etc.
2019.09 2019학년도 전공 학습법 영상개발 사업 학습법 인터뷰 Data Structure, Data Structure Applications · Software Education Center, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
2019.09 ~ 2019.10 코드 읽어주는 사람들 'React.js 실습' Group Study Instructor Daegu Center for Creative Economy & Innovation
Instructed Group Study for React, from basics to building their own server with node.js + React.
2019.03 ~ 2020.07 President of "Gori", Algorithm Problem Solving Club Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
Awarded during term: 2019.11 2019 SW전공동아리 경진대회 최우수상
Directed and presented several Algorithm Study Seminars. Slides can be found at: driip.me/slides
2019 ~ 2020 Operator of College Algorithm Contests Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
Worked as Problem Setter and Problem Reviewer for College Algorithm Contests.
2020.10 ~ 2020.11 '슬기로운 컴학대회' Operator
2020.10 ~ 2020.11 '2020 Goricon' Problem Setter & Problem Reviewer
2019.08 ~ 2019.09 '2019 Goricon' Problem Reviewer
2019 ~ 2020 Undergraduate Tutor School of CSE, Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
Assisted instructing several Undergraduate Courses.
2021.03 2021-1 'Data Structure Applications' Tutor
2020.03 ~ 2020.06 2020-1 'Algorithm Practice' Tutor
2019.09 ~ 2019.12 2019-2 'Data Structure Applications` Tutor
2019.06 ~ 2019.07 2019-S 'Python Programming' Tutor
2018.11 ~ 2018.12 Assistant Instructor at '소프트웨어로 나르샤' Program Daegu Software High School
Taught basic HTML/CSS and advanced JavaScript to high school students.
Instructed Simple Face Recognition Project, which uses WebCam via MediaDevices API and handles asynchronous requests.


2018.03 ~ 2022.02 Kyungpook National University Daegu, South Korea
Bachelor's degree, Computer Science and Engineering
Major GPA: 4.03 / 4.5
2015.03 ~ 2018.02 Haengshin High School Goyang, South Korea

Other Experiences

Online Education

2020.08 ~ 2020.11 Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree

 Open-source Contribution

type-challenges — Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
misskey An interplanetary microblogging platform
Fixed a bug where the Cmd + Enter key combination did not work in the Messaging room.

Toy Projects

2021.02 homete!
React Next.js TypeScript Firebase
2020.07 "いちかのっ!BEMANI超じゃんけん大会2020" 오토 봇
node.js Puppeteer serverless
2020.03 알고리즘 콘테스트 일정 슬랙 봇
Python BeautifulSoup serverless
2019.10 경북대학교 빈 강의실 찾기
node.js Express MongoDB
2018.07 디시콘 핫산: 디시콘을 디스코드에서
Python Discord.py
2017.12 암호화폐 환율 디스코드 봇
Ruby Discordrb
2016.08 2016 행신제 "CodIT" 부스 홈페이지
Ruby Sinatra
2016.07 디시콘 다운로더
Ruby Nokogiri
2016.03 알송 가사 파서 Ruby 모듈
2015.02 주기율표 퀴즈 게임
PHP JavaScript

Undergraduate Projects

2020.09 ~ 2020.12 COVID-19 Helper Application ITEC402 Capstone Design Project 2
Developed Android Application using Kotlin.
Used MPAndroidChart library and XmlPullParser to draw Confirmed cases plot, Released from Quarantine plot.
2020.03 ~ 2020.06 Multithread 기반의 다중접속 채팅 프로그램 EECS312 Network Programming
Developed Winsock-based Console Chat Application.
Supports Multiple Connection, 1:1 Chat, etc.
2020.03 ~ 2020.06 시간제 일자리 공유 플랫폼 개발 및 업그레이드 ITEC401 Capstone Design Project 1
Developed Android Application using Kotlin.
2019.09 ~ 2019.12 학생 경력 관리 시스템 COMP224 Software Design
Developed CRUD Application with Python GUI.
Learned and applied basics of Software Design (Software Development Methodologies, Requirement Definition, Functional/Structural/Behavioral Modeling, Class Design, etc.)
Worked on Database Design and Database Management.
2019.09 ~ 2019.12 Battle Typing - 대전형 타자연습 게임 ELEC462 System Programming
Developed Console-based Typing Practice Game.
Supports Multiplay, Online-Ranking System, etc.
Learned Linux Socket Programming, Signal Handling, Multithread Programming, Console Programming using ncurses, etc.
2018.09 ~ 2018.12 국내 대학교들의 '타대학 학점교류' 협정 현황을 통해 보는 대학 간 관계와 각 대학의 특성 CLTR264 Social Networks
Worked on Graph Network Visualization Project using UCINET.
Learned basics of Graph Theory, Network Theory.